Listening to our Body Clock

Our body clock can guide us when it is best to exercise, eat, have sex, rest and sleep.

When George Goodheart developed Applied Kinesiology he borrowed from the many healing therapies over time. Kinesiology, Cranial Osteopathy, Magnetic therapy, Light therapy, Functional Nutrition and Naturopathy. AK integrates some of the amazing concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as well. TCM is a highly developed and intricate form of natural medicine that has been around for over 2,200 years. It uses Acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies to bring balance to the body.

Using TCM principles AK practitioners work to balance the meridian system and allow energy to flow uninhibited. The body’s rhythms have been studied over thousands of years. Each organ has it’s own rhythm and it fluctuates with specific time periods. In the 24 hour clock, each organ relates to a specific time in our day. The diagram below is divided into two 12 hour intervals. At each interval an organ has a two hour peak energy time and a coresponding lower energy time 12 hours later. During the peak energy time our Qi or life force moves though each organ for peak performance and repair. At the peak, each organ is functioning optimally and has the most energy.

The TCM body clock charts 12 key organ systems and 2 accessory systems. Each organ system is also associated with an emotion, taste, sense organ and season. When an organ is out of balance it will have an affect on the emotional and physical state of one’s body. This is a result of the Qi- vital life force being disturbed.

In AK we use this information to help bring the body in balance. If there is congestion within the meridian system the body will feel out of balance. When the liver meridian is over active, a person may experience feelings of anger or resentment and not know why. They may wake up most nights around 2:30 or 3am. In addition the pectoralis muscles may be in spasm, which may cause back and chest pain. All of these symptoms may be a direct result of liver meridian imbalance. At Be Well Sarena uses techniques like meridian therapy and NET to help a patient resolve these feelings and release unwanted muscle tension.

The Body Clock

5AM - 7AM:

LARGE INTESTINE - Wake up, drink warm water, release bowels, meditate. No caffeine at this time. Body needs water for a healthy colon.
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7AM - 9AM:

THE STOMACH - Breakfast ,vitamins, good concentration time, brisk walk.
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9AM - 11AM:

THE SPLEEN - Clear thinking, spleen converts nutrients to energy/Qi.
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11AM - 1PM:

THE HEART - Blood circulation, high energy, eat lunch (nothing too filling). Time to socialise, reach out to people, be of service.
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1PM - 3PM:

THE SMALL INTESTINE - Problem solve; Time to sort out your issues while you absorb food. Low energy, nap time.
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3PM - 5PM:

THE BLADDER - Energy restored, liquid waste released, work and study. Drink herbal tea to assist detox.
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5PM - 7PM:

THE KIDNEY - Eat dinner and restore nutrients, build bone marrow.
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7PM - 9PM:

THE PERICARDIUM - Circulation, brain and reproductive organs. Best time to conceive, get a massage, sex, self love, light reading.
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9PM - 11PM:

TRIPLE BURNER - Thyroid and adrenals. Responsible for energy transfer, temperature, metabolic balancing, getting sleep. Chill out and read. Avoid food.
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11PM - 1AM:

GALL BLADDER - Sleep, release bile, cellular repair, regenerate, build blood cells. If you have gallstones, you may notice pain at this time.
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1AM - 3AM:

THE LIVER - Deep sleep, detox blood, rest and recovery, planning. If you wake up your liver may be overwhelmed with detoxifying, or may have active parasites.
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3AM - 5AM:

THE LUNGS - Deep sleep, dreams and memory, detox lungs. If you cough at this time, you may be expelling toxins.

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3 Reasons to Rise Early

  • BALANCE YOUR CIRCADIAN RHYTHM – The light in the early morning influences hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism.  Here in Greytown, Wairarapa the early morning light is stunning! Morning sunshine regulates the body’s circadian rhythm (our internal clock) and melatonin production. When we experience more light in the morning, we have an increase in waking hormones. As a result you will have a greater contrast of sleep hormones, including melatonin at night. When you have increased melatonin you have a deeper sleep, less inflammation, reduced cancer risk, and more efficient calorie burning.

  • BOOST YOUR MOOD – In a study at University of Toronto, researchers found waking up early correlated with more positive emotion for people. In contrast, a night person will likely find themselves feeling tired throughout the day, leading to lower levels of positivity.

  • SHARPENS THE MIND – A University of Texas study,  found College students who are "morning people" may have a higher chance of graduating near the top of their class. They found that students who consistently woke up early showed higher GPAs, up to a full letter grade higher. Research postulated that later sleep schedules can lead to more irregular sleeping schedules, which can have a negative impact on the body.

    Morning Lark vs Night Owl

Most of us run on a pretty typical schedule. Early rising “morning larks” get tend to be bright and alert, ready for the day ahead.” Night owls” are slow to rise in the morning but are alert and productive at night. The differences between larks and owls may be due to family influences or genetic differences. Experts agree that it is best to try to work with your natural body clock and biology, not against it.

Perhaps take some time to soak in the mornig rays a little earlier than normal. Pop outside for a quick good morning hello and fresh breath of air instead of looking at your phone. There are alarm clocks that can mimic a sun rise and since using one of these myself I feel more awake in the morning. I wake up with a gradual brightening light instead of an alarm. It’s a lovely way to naturally wake up during the dark winter mornings!